Saturday, April 18, 2009

That's What Part 1

Ok, so we have had some very good guesses on this picture.  Sherie and Sherrie's guesses that it was a cake project were probably the most like me, it did have to do with food, but...
No it isn't cake.  It is...
A Potato
Let me explain...
I threw a potato in the microwave because I wanted a baked potato for dinner the other night.  I went to the office to check my e-mail and when I came back the kitchen was full of smoke.  I don't know if it was a combination of me forgetting to poke holes in it and putting it in to long or if it was just a super potato but the thing started on fire!  (I'm lucky I didn't blow up my microwave!)  We decided to cut open the potato and this is what it looked like on the inside...

When you touched it, it crackled like a crusty piece of bread!!  It was pretty cool!!  
Helpful Hints from Life #3
When you bake a potato in the microwave you might want to watch it, cause if you get a "super-potato" it might just burn your house down!
Well, I think I have got more comments on this post then I ever have, maybe I will play this game once a week.  Keep watching for another addition of...
What is that?!?!?  (P.S. For future reference I will try to refrain from posting pictures of nasty things, I will just get pictures of normal things that might look nasty)


Devony said...

This IS a fantastic story! I can't believe it burned up! Awesome pic though and I agree that you should do this every week. It makes for a very interesting blog post!

Payte and Sherie said...

Holy smokes!!! (no pun intended!) How long did you have it in there? I'm glad my mind can rest now that you showed us what happened!!!