For those of you who haven't heard...
We are expecting another baby in February 2011.
I have been waiting for so long to post these ultrasound pictures of our next baby. I'm not exactly sure why I waited so long, except after losing Emmett I just didn't want to tell people until I was pretty sure that everything was on the up and up.
The first pictures were taken clear back at the end of June. Dr. Leavitt asked to come in and get an ultrasound pretty soon after I got pregnant so that we could monitor this baby all the way along. After informing me that I made into her "book" with Emmett and not to do that again, took these pictures of our new baby and let me know that at the time the baby wasn't any bigger than a grain of rice.

The next picture was taken the first week in August at my first High Risk Doc appointment. For as little as the baby was I couldn't believe how much it was moving around and kicking. I don't know if you can tell in this picture but the baby kept putting it's hands up by its face too. I can't explain how nice it was to see a healthy moving baby even if it still was inside of me!
Unless Dr Leavitt decides to do another ultrasound before then, my next ultrasound is scheduled for October 19, with the high risk docs. Hopefully (unless the baby is shy like Ella) we will find out what we are having that day.
Yeah! Congrats you guys! :)
Wow! congratulations! Our fingers are crossed and prayers being offerred that everything will go well! I love the conversation you shared with the girls too. So sweet and I think they can really feel it.
Congrats Dave and Brooke! I'm sure Emmett sent this baby off with a big hug and kiss for you guys. I'm so excited for your family! You guys are great parents. I just love Ella and Elena. So stinkin cute!
Yea! I am so happy for you guys! Congrats!!
Congratulations, I hope everything goes well this time.
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