Wednesday, September 9, 2009

You know your child is growing up when...

Today I was trying to convince my 4 year old daughter, Ella, that taking a nap would be a good thing. (This is David by the way.) Of course, she wouldn't go for it. I thought I could at least outsmart her. Alas, it did not work. In fact she turned the same logic back on me attempting to mimic me. I said, "Ok, you have two choices. You can either take a nap or go to sleep." She responded by saying, "No, these are the choices. I can watch a movie or play."

For crying out loud, she is only 4 years old! I thought I was supposed to have more control over her, at least for another 9 years. Oh well, maybe I should just get used to being relegated to the position of "the old guy that thinks he knows what's best but really has no idea". That way when she officially becomes a teenager it will not be much of a change.


tiff snedaker said...

She's too smart for her own good, lol. So is Emmett the name for your little boy?

The Cederstrom's said...

So far... Actually it better be Emmett because Ella calls him that already so if it's not we'll be in trouble!