Today was the first time in a long time that it has been warm enough (and we have been home) that we thought it would be worth it to set up our little swimming pools. Ella immediately got in and started getting wet, and between her and Dave they had me soaked. Elena and Macy took a little bit longer to decide they liked the water. We splashed and played in the little splash pool, and then... the WILD BUNCH showed up!!!

My mom was watching Lisa's boys today, and I told her she could bring them to come and play in the water with us, and when they played, THEY PLAYED!! They had tons of fun splashing and run through the water, but most of all throwing and kicking balls at David's head. But, it was a lot of fun watching everyone have so much fun in the water.
I agree - summer is FINALLY HERE! Love the picture of your cat below. Hope you had a very Happy Birthday the other day too!!
Thanks for posting those pics! We had lots of fun, but it reminded me that we need to play more often!
That looks like so much fun. Boys play hard don't they? Brook, can you remind me when your birthday is or was. I know it's around mine but I can't remember the exact day.
I guess we're even, cause I forgot when your birthday was too! Mine was the 11th, when was your's again?
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